New technological platforms for digital work environments have improved with respect to the traditional models, and now allow for new models where communication, collaboration and productivity are the key features.
A company’s values, culture and identity are the pillars of the good work and achievement of objectives of its employees, both jointly and in terms of each individual’s growth.
That is why it is important to provide companies and employees with the tools that facilitate transparent and prompt access to information, enable two-way communication and help employees maximise their productivity.
Traditional intranet models were conceived as spaces for corporate communication between the company and its employees, in that sole direction; however, at present, this need is still relevant but insufficient in new work environments.
In the corporate environment the employee is the customer, where the employee centric concept arises positioning employees at the heart of it all and using technology to meet their needs, facilitate their work and maximise productivity.
New technological platforms for digital work environments now allow for new work models where communication, collaboration and productivity are the key features.
At CaixaBank Tech we work with these new technological environments with the aim of providing all CaixaBank Group employees a centralised work space focused on communication, collaboration and maximising productivity.
From a one-way communication approach to a two-way communication model
Transitioning from a one-way communication approach with a single voice —the company’s— to an effective two-way communication model, where a dialogue is established between the company and employees and where everyone has a voice.
Communication is now personalised and directed towards those who need it and is classified appropriately so it is findable using search tools.
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Collaboration is another major pillar, providing a collaborative work environment and sharing knowledge at the corporate level, not only in small work groups.
Knowledge is built together and made available to the entire company.
Maximising productivity
Both aforementioned aspects contribute to maximising the productivity of individuals and teams. In addition, new technological platforms generate a centralised workspace that provide information, knowledge and access to all the tools and resources required to work. The tools used in the employee’s different procedures (HR processes, vacation schedule management, training tools and others) and those employed in their specific function are integrated in a single point of access. Artificial intelligence is also integrated in the form of virtual assistants for the work environment.
The current work environment is multidevice
The workstation is no longer an office desktop. At present, life is multidevice in all its aspects, in working life too. Nothing exists without the possibility of it being used on a mobile device, and in this respect technology has grown towards this direction; a work environment is not currently only multidevice, but also mobile first.
And all of this on the cloud
Technology in the work environment has also evolved in recent years from on-premise to cloud environments, where SaaS (Software as a Service) cloud platforms are supporting this type of solutions.